Among the revolutions that have most profoundly affected the world of furniture, and consequently interior design, in recent years is undoubtedly that of sustainability. But what does it mean? In a world of limited resources, with users becoming increasingly consumption-conscious, aspects such as the durability of a product and the impact of its manufacture become crucial.

This is undoubtedly a daunting challenge, but the brands on display at Sag’80 Showrooms are proof that even in the field of luxury furniture making sustainable interior design is possible. How? First of all, by focusing on quality materials and enhancing them through constant in-depth research, but also by offering users flexible solutions, capable of changing in accordance with needs and thus able to evolve with the home environment, becoming timeless. 



While in the past the concept of luxury seemed somewhat opposed to that of sustainability, the perception of users has definitely changed. In accordance with a sensibility that has now changed, not least through the experience of the pandemic, for many people it is now imperative to have an idea of design that not only thinks about aesthetics, but also takes into consideration the longevity of a product, the origin of the materials used, and winks at the increasingly important logic of the circular economy.

The industry response was not long in coming, and today more and more companies and designers are striking the right balance between the luxury and green worlds, with more focus on materials that can be obtained sustainably and production processes rethought to use fewer resources and waste less energy.

In more and more cases, the inspiration comes from nature itself, which sometimes literally becomes an integral part of the products, as is the case with those made from organic materials, perhaps assembled with others derived instead from recycling.

In short, the direction seems very clear and in some ways involves a total reversal of perspective: design, even luxury design, must first be sustainable in order to be considered high quality.  



There are many ways to minimize one’s ecological footprint and shape a home environment that is sustainable. First and foremost, to help the user there are now labels such as the FSC, which, for example, help to understand which timbers come from forests that are managed with sustainability in mind.

But that’s not all, because a green interior design comes first and foremost from the design: to reduce energy consumption, and consequently emissions, it is necessary to think of environments that encourage the exploitation of natural light and, also through the colors chosen, make those who live there as little dependent as possible on artificial lights.

Finally, with a view to the circular economy, it is important to choose furniture that comes from materials that have already been recycled or that, at the end of their life cycle, will be reusable again, including in other areas.



They are many and of quality
brands linked to the universe of Sag’80
that have made sustainability a key principle of their production processes. 

Notable among these is certainly Vitra Furniture, the German company for whom values such as functionality, design and quality are the fundamental tools for making each and every piece produced last as long as possible, thereby reducing the need to create waste.

But more and more companies are working with an eye, and more, on the environment: there is for example
, which equips its kitchens with original, state-of-the-art waste sorting systems, or Boffi, whose painstaking research has led to the development of a next-generation material such as MDI, which is high-performance and durable while being manufactured using sustainable methods and recycled materials. 



Regardless of the user’s needs, Sag’80 is the perfect guide for those who want to realize a project just as imagined. 

Thanks to a team of skilled interior designers and taking advantage of collaboration with prestigious architects and design studios, Sag’80 is able to transform any environment, home or business, shaping it exclusively according to the client’s needs.


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